=== ShortPixel Image Optimizer - Optimize Images, Convert WebP & AVIF ===
Contributors: ShortPixel
Tags: convert webp, optimize images, image optimization, resize, compressor, image, avif, compression, optimize, image optimiser, image compression, compress pdf, compress jpg, compress png, performance, photography, smush, scale, pictures
Requires at least: 4.8.0
Tested up to: 6.2
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 5.2.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Optimize images & PDFs smartly. Create and compress next-gen WebP and AVIF formats. Smart crop and resize.
== Description ==
**Optimize images and create WebP/AVIF versions with an easy-to-use, comprehensive, lightweight, stable and frequently updated freemium image compression plugin supported by the friendly team that created it.**
Increase your website's SEO ranking, number of visitors, and ultimately your sales by optimising any image or PDF document on your website.
ShortPixel is an easy to use, lightweight, install-and-forget-about-it image optimization plugin that can compress all your past images and PDF documents with a single click. New images are automatically resized/rescaled and optimized on the fly, in the background. It's also compatible with any gallery, slider or eCommerce plugin.
**Ready for a quick DEMO? Test our plugin here and here.**
Or you can create a staging copy of your site using WP Staging and test it there.
Short Pixel uses minimal resources and works well with any shared, cloud, VPS or dedicated web hosting. It can optimize any image you have on your website even the images that aren't listed in Media Library like those in galleries like NextGEN, Modula or added directly via FTP!
Both lossy and lossless image compression are available for the most common image types (JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP, and AVIF) plus PDF files.
We also offer **glossy** JPEG compression which is a very high-quality lossy optimization algorithm. Specially designed for photographers!
Optimized images mean better user experience, better PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix results, better Google PageRank, and more visitors.
Make an instant image compression test of your site or compress some images to test our optimization algorithms.
**New Plan: ShortPixel Unlimited**
This is the perfect monthly plan for single website owners.
It allows you to optimize an unlimited number of images with ShortPixel Image Optimizer on your website.
Read more details on our dedicated page.
**New! HEIC file support**
With ShortPixel you can now add images in Apple format (HEIC) directly from your iPhone. They will be automatically converted to JPG and then optimized according to your settings. Easy! Read more.
**Smart Cropping**
With this new feature, all thumbnails used on your website are not only optimized, but also regenerated to fully display the subject of the image.
All thumbnails fully display the subject and look consistent as well. The new thumbnails look sharper (and can be slightly bigger) than the ones created by WordPress. Ideal for e-commerce and other websites where the images are paramount to selling the products or to support the content. See an example.
**Why is ShortPixel the best choice when it comes to image optimization or PDF compression?**
* popular plugin with over 300,000 active installations - according to WordPress
* compress JPG (and its variations JPEG, JPEG 2000, JPEG XR), PNG, GIF (still or animated) images and also PDF documents
* option to convert any JPEG, PNG or GIF (even animated ones!) to **WebP** and **AVIF** for more Google love. How to enable WebP?. What is AVIF and why is it good?.
* **New!:** full WP-CLI support for background processing, useful especially for websites with a very large Media Library
* **New!:** Easily add recurrent cron jobs for background optimization. Useful if you have users uploading images via the front end of your website
* **New!:** Smart Cropping. Generate subject-centered thumbnails using ShortPixel's AI engine
* option to automatically convert PNG to JPG if that will result in smaller images. Ideal for large images in PNG format
* option to include the next generation images (WebP and AVIF) into the front-end pages by using the `