Trade shows have become the catalyst for brands to highlight their products or services, connect with potential clients, and stay current on industry trends. However, navigating these events requires more than your well-rehearsed pitch and charming smile. Trade show etiquette has become essential in making the right impression and cementing those meaningful connections.
Common everyday life etiquette is learned and not something you’re born knowing; so many walks of life have different forms of politeness and niceties. However, you may be asking yourself questions like
- How does trade show politeness differ on the trade show floor?
- What is trade show etiquette?
- How do I navigate the trade show floor, creating those long-lasting pivotal impressions that could elevate my brand?
In this complete guide, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of trade show etiquette, including what to wear, whether or not to shake hands, how to approach attendees, and how to disengage respectfully.
Defining Etiquette
Before we get onto the trade show floor, let’s talk about etiquette and how we use it in our daily lives.
Etiquette refers to a set of social norms, rules, and pointed guidelines that govern human interactions. It encompasses various behaviors and expectations specific to different cultures and situations. While etiquette may vary across cultures and societal contexts, its fundamental purpose remains consistent: to promote respect, consideration, and harmony among other individuals.
Now that we’ve defined what etiquette is, how does this translate to the fast-paced environment of brand development? The tenacity of trade show goers is palpable among working professionals, but how do you balance that tenacious attitude while staying within the guides of societal etiquette?
In general, there are four main pillars of social etiquette. At its core, respect is understanding personal boundaries, opinions, and cultural differences. Courtesy is displaying good manners and being polite in various social situations. Consideration means thinking about your actions and how they might affect another individual. Communication involves using clear and respectful language while holding eye contact.
These four pillars of social etiquette should be the base understanding of how you treat others in a social setting. Now, let’s mirror those behaviors on the trade show floor.
What Should You Wear at Trade Shows?

Your attire plays an important role in making a positive impression at any event. Dressing appropriately shows that you take the event seriously and respect the business environment. We shall give you an overview of what to wear.
Business Casual
Trade shows typically call for business casual attire. Men should wear slacks, dress shoes, and a collared shirt. Women can wear slacks, skirts, or dresses with comfortable, stylish shoes.
Brand Representation
If you’re an exhibitor or working the booth, you should consider wearing attire that represents your brand. A shirt with your brand’s company logo or specific color scheme works wonders.
Comfortable Footwear
You’ll be on your feet for long periods of time, so comfortable shoes are a must. Choose footwear that provides support and cushioning. You’ll thank us later for this tip.
Trade show venues vary in temperature from venue to venue. Bring a sweatshirt just in case, but make it classy.
Avoid Overly Casual Or Overly Dressed Up
T-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops are generally too casual for trade shows. Suits and formal wear may be slightly too formal unless you attend a black-tie event.
To Shake or Not to Shake Hands

In recent years, the etiquette around handshakes has evolved due to health concerns. It’s crucial to be mindful of cultural norms and health considerations, but how did handshakes become such a universal greeting or a polite conversation exit?
The universal handshake most likely originated in prehistory as a demonstration of peaceful intent between two individuals. This peaceful intent was displayed based on the empty palm displaying no weapon. The other historical aspect of the handshake was a metaphorical symbolic gesture of a mutual commitment to an oath. Two hands clasping each other represent that important sealing of a bond.
The second historical aspect is the root of the handshake in the modern business world, but when is it appropriate to extend that hand in a good gesture on the trade show floor?
Mindful of Health Guidelines
Check the trade show event’s guidelines regarding physical contact and handshakes. After 2020, many trade shows may discourage handshakes or promote alternatives like fist bumps, elbow bumps, or no-contact greetings.
Personal Space
Even if handshakes are allowed in your event space, you should respect personal space. Always gauge the other person’s comfort level before initiating physical contact. You can use your intuition to gauge the level of comfortability. If you can’t view or have a gut feeling about a potential client’s personal space, you can wait for the other person to extend their hand out first.
If that potential client doesn’t extend their hand due to a multitude of reasons, don’t take it personally. When in doubt, it’s perfectly acceptable to greet someone with a smile, a nod, or a verbal greeting. Saying “Hello, it’s nice to meet you” can go a long way in establishing a positive connection.
Handshakes are not imperative to building a long-lasting business connection, but they give you a personal attribute that displays a sense of trust and bonding. You don’t need to shake hands at events. We suggest reading the room and, most importantly, your potential client, who’ll give you their answer.
How to Approach Attendees

Approaching attendees can be very nerve-wracking, but it’s critical to your success for your next upcoming trade show. The first step in the approach is to take a deep breath before approaching a prospect. Now that you’ve done that, we can discuss how to approach respectfully.
Be Friendly
We all have beautiful smiles, so showcase that smile on the trade show floor. It can be the green light to any business relationship. Making eye contact is also another valuable aspect of exuding confidence and friendliness. A warm demeanor can attract people to your booth or conversation.
Introduce Yourself
You should begin your interaction with a friendly and personal greeting, such as “Hello” or “Hi, How are you today?” Setting a polite tone from the beginning of the interaction will speak volumes for your brand. As simple as that sounds, saying hello is the second step in the approach. Don’t forget to breathe; that’s your first step.
Ask Open-Ended Questions
Instead of bombarding trade showgoers with information about your product or services, ask open-ended questions about their needs, challenges, or interests. This approach shows that you’re genuinely interested in their perspective.
People enjoy talking about themselves, so giving them a stage to talk about themselves in a productive sense gives them a sense of importance. You can use that sense of importance to push your product while keeping the potential client’s ego on a pedestal. It’s an important feature to understand your clients and letting them know you’re interested in them as a person will elevate your brand.
Practice Active Listening
Just as important as asking open-ended questions to garner interest from a client, you should listen to them next. When attendees respond, listen attentively. You should actively avoid interrupting and give them your undivided attention. This demonstrates respect for their input. Listening is more important than talking.
Give Valuable Information
You should also be prepared to provide value. By providing value, you are simply sharing your knowledge of the product or giving a demonstration that shows your mastery of your brands in front of prospective clients. You can also offer promotional materials; attendees are more likely to engage when they see a benefit. In short, always be prepared to showcase your product or service.
How to Respectfully Disengage

Just like life, not every interaction will lead to a meaningful connection, so it becomes imperative and essential to know how to disengage gracefully. Here are five helpful tips on how to disengage from a conversation that you feel isn’t productive or going anywhere.
Thank Them for Their Time
Always express your gratitude for their time and conversation, no matter what. A simple “thank you for talking with me today” shows respect. Although you might not see the value in this specific interaction, you never know what that individual might be to you in the future. A business partner down the road? Maybe. Someone who connects you to your next client? Maybe.
Exchange Information
If the conversation is promising, but you have to move on with your day for whatever reason, offer to exchange contact information for a future follow-up or a continuation of that engaging dialogue. This can be business cards, email addresses, or even connect on LinkedIn.
Exit Strategy
This might be the most awkward of the tips to execute. You never want to cut someone off or make them feel less important by rushing a conversation. Use phrases like, “It’s been a pleasure talking with you, but I have a few other booths I have to visit.” A nicety with a reason is a very valid way to handle this situation.
Respect Their Time
It’s key to avoid lingering in a conversation when it’s very clear the other individual is ready to move. As important as your time is, it’s more important for your potential client’s time. This goes without saying: respect their time and give them space.
Follow Up
If you promised to follow up with a conversation with a potential client, ensure you do so promptly. This is an obvious demonstration of professionalism and reliability. Two of the most important aspects of any profession.
Proper trade show etiquette is about presenting yourself respectfully and professionally, making meaningful connections, navigating conversations, and interacting gracefully.
By dressing appropriately, respecting potential clients’ personal boundaries, and approaching attendees with a friendly and genuine attitude, you can make the most of your experience and leave a positive impression on potential clients that might change your life.
The Trade Group is a full-service trade show and event marketing company. We will work with you to create an exhibit or an event that brings in leads and helps you achieve your business goals. Contact us here or give us a call at (800) 343-2005.
Photo credit: Unsplash